Funeral planning in Seaforth is very different for each family and that is as it should be. We work with each family to plan a funeral that respectfully honours the deceased and helps to bring closure for the family. For each family, that looks very different. We begin our planning with clients by defining certain parameters. We seek to plan a funeral that represents the values of the deceased and family within the budget specified by each. There is no right and wrong as long as the funeral is tastefully carried out. There is always a temptation to express your love and impress funeral guests by spending more than the agreed budget. We strongly encourage families to remember a funeral is meant to bring comfort to the survivors and not to impress anyone else.
With funeral costs inching higher along with the price of everything else, some opt for immediate cremation. In Seaforth, funeral planning that includes immediate cremation is our lowest cost funeral. However, that’s not the reason many people select this type of funeral. Some just prefer the simplicity because it suits them. We handle the collection of the remains, prepare the paperwork and transport the body to a crematorium of your choice. It’s your choice if you want to witness the transference. We will return the ashes to you at which time it’s up to you to do nothing more or arrange a memorial service. We can help you arrange a memorial service, select an urn and if you choose arrange for burial. Many hold the ashes privately.
The focus isn’t always on saving money when funeral planning in Seaforth. Again, the funeral should be whatever the family is most comfortable with. A full traditional funeral with visitation, flowers, religious service, and cemetery procession may be the right choice for you or one of dozens variations starting with a simple funeral. Contact Barringtons if you need help with funeral planning. Our purpose here is to carry out your wishes and make available the staff, space, compassionate advice and professional management. We will handle the legalities, paperwork and disbursement to third parties such as musicians, florists, and ministers. Your family is free to add your personal touch such as videos, photos, special background music and more.