Funeral directors in Crosby can assist you with planning a funeral for a lost loved one. We know this can be both challenging and overwhelming. As an independent funeral service, our funeral directors have many years of experience and can assist you in planning a meaningful and respectful funeral for your lost loved one. Our many years of experience in helping plan and arrange different types of funerals means that we have the knowledge and compassion to assist you with planning a respectful funeral.
We believe in placing you firmly in charge, and by encouraging you to take ownership of the funeral service, you can be sure of a personal and meaningful funeral service. In Crosby, funeral directors understand this challenging and turbulent time for both you and your family. When you meet with our funeral director, the first step is a discussion about the deceased and the type of funeral you wish to plan. During this meeting, you will be asked to make choices about the type of funeral you have in mind. Aspects such as a ceremony with religion, without religion or no ceremony at all, the venue, whether the deceased is to be cremated or buried, the coffin, among others will be discussed. You will also need to decide on whether there will be flowers at the service, who will carry the coffin, as well as transport of the deceased to the cemetery. Our funeral directors will take care of any necessary statutory paperwork during this meeting. We will also explain any legal procedures that are needed.
Funeral directors in Crosby will also discuss the costs, and will provide an estimate of charges at the end of the arrangement. Regardless of the type of funeral you are planning, our funeral directors can advise and guide you throughout. We also believe in continuity of care, so the funeral director who assisted from your first meeting will assist you during the service itself. If you need the advice and guidance of compassionate funeral directors, contact Barringtons. As each family is unique, the funeral we assist you in planning is tailored to meet your requirements. Let us assist you during this sad time.