Barrington’s Independent Funeral Services offers Direct Cremations in Merseyside to those customers who wish to have control over their own funeral arrangements. Generally it is the family that takes control of all the arrangements for a funeral so that the service is personal and appropriate for both the family and the deceased person. We offer extensive and flexible services because we know what we offer needs to be as unique as those we serve. One of the options we offer is direct cremations.
As elsewhere, in Merseyside direct cremations are for those individuals who are looking for a very simple service and arrangements. There are a growing number of individuals and families who, for a variety of reasons, do not want a traditional funeral service. In addition, cremation as opposed to burial is also being chosen more than in previous decades. With a direct cremation we still provide a range of services that help customers at a time when they are dealing with grief and loss and the practicalities can be overwhelming. At Barrington’s Independent Funeral Services, we will meet with the person or persons handling arrangements to complete the required paperwork including the DWP claim form, if applicable. Our company will collect the deceased and store him or her in hygienic and dignified conditions until the deceased is laid in a simple coffin made of material that is suitable for cremation. We will transfer the deceased to the crematorium chosen by the family or representative in one of our vehicles. After the cremation has been carried out and the service – if any – is over, we will collected the ashes or cremated remains which will be handed over to the nominated person or persons.
Direct cremations in Merseyside offer a supportive and dignified service that is also basic, offering the essentials only. If this service is what you require or think is most appropriate for you and yours, please contact our helpful and experienced staff at Barrington’s Independent Funeral Services.