When it comes to funeral arrangements in Formby, few possess the commitment to service, personalization, and continuity of care that Barringtons Funeral Services offers. As a family-run funeral business, Barringtons Funeral Services brings a uniquely personal touch to every funeral it arranges.
Family-Run Funeral Business
Barringtons Funeral Services is an independent, family-run business originally founded by Bill, and now managed by his son David and his wife Claire. With branches in Waterloo, Formby, and Netherton, Barringtons is dedicated to providing high-quality funeral services with a personal touch. The team is committed to ensuring that every funeral it arranges is not only appropriate but also significant and personal.
- The firm is family-run and independent
- It was originally founded by Bill and is now run by his son David and wife Claire
- It has branches in Waterloo, Formby, and Netherton
Committed to Quality Service
At Barringtons Funeral Services, the focus is always on providing excellent service. The team brings vast experience in arranging different types of funerals and is passionate about providing an appropriate and significant service for every client. The continuity of care is extremely important to them. The person who arranges the funeral service also supervises the funeral on the day, ensuring a seamless experience.
- The team is experienced in arranging different types of funerals
- They are passionate about providing an appropriate and significant service
- The person who arranges the funeral also supervises it on the day, ensuring continuity of care
In Formby, Barringtons Funeral Services stands out for its commitment to quality, personalization, and continuity of care. As a family-run business, it brings a unique touch to every funeral it arranges, ensuring that the service is not only appropriate but also personal and significant. With Barringtons, clients can be confident that their loved ones are in good hands.